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Side-Flexing: Standard 881 Series

Flat Top Systems | Carbon & Stainless Steel |  Side-Flexing: Standard 881 Series

881 Series

881 Series

881 Series

Available Materials:
• Specialty Stainless Steels
• 300 Series Stainless Steel
• Featuring ground surface

Side-flexing chains create possibilities to convey products
around corners without the use of turntables or dead-plates.
All 881 chains require a welded guide shoe on the underside of
the chain to provide a method of hold down in the guide track.
Without these “shoes” the chain would have a tendency to lift
when operating in the curve under load. Guide shoes are
available in two forms:

• Bevel: Utilize an 8° dovetail which provides a simple but
effective anti-lift device.
• TAB: Utilize a positive retention shoe which fits into a
T profile guide slot. Ideal for heavier loads.

NOTE: Following the welding operation, 881 chains often
have slight heat distortion and the appearance of unsightly
weld marks on the top plate surface. In order to restore the
top plate to the ultimate in flatness and smoothness.
881 chains receive a unique grinding and polishing
operation to restore the top plate’s smooth surface finish
(within 24 Micro inches).



Technical Diagram

Technical Diagram



Flat Top Systems | Carbon & Stainless Steel |  Side-Flexing: Standard 881 Series