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Carbon & Stainless Steel

Flat Top Systems |  Carbon & Stainless Steel

Straight Run: Single-Hinge

812/815 Series
Available Materials:
• Carbon Steel
• 400 Series Stainless Steel
• Specialty Stainless Steels
• 300 Series Stainless Steel

Straight Run: Double-Hinge

802/805 (HD) Series
Available Materials:

• Carbon Steel
• 400 Series Stainless Steel
• Specialty Stainless Steels

Straight Run: Vulcanized Rubber Pad

815/805 Griptop Series
Available Materials:

• Specialty Stainless Steels with
vulcanized Rubber Top Pad
• Carbon Steel plate material (to order)

Straight Run: 1

515 Series

Available Materials:
• Specialty Stainless Steels

Side-Flexing: Standard 881 Series

881 Series

Available Materials:
• Specialty Stainless Steels
• 300 Series Stainless Steel
• Featuring ground surface

Side-Flexing: Standard 8810 Series

881 Series

Available Materials:
• Specialty Stainless Steels
• 300 Series Stainless Steel
• Featuring ground surface

Flat Top Systems |  Carbon & Stainless Steel