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Side-Flexing: LBP 882 Low Back Pressure

Flat Top Systems | Plastic Flat Top |  Side-Flexing: LBP 882 Low Back Pressure

LBP 882 Low Back Pressure

LBP 882 Low Back Pressure
LBP Series
Available Materials:
• Low Friction Acetale
• New Generation Rollers
• Stainless Steels Pins

LBP (Low Back Pressure) chains
are used in conveyor systems
where backline pressure can
occur. Under these conditions
the chain will continue to run
underneath the product but the
top surface rollers will rotate,
remove line pressure and
consequently prevent damage to
products. The LBP chain will
provide positive motivation when
backline pressure is removed.

The rollers are attached to the
top of the chain by series of
stainless steel axles. The small
center distance of these axles
offers a very stable conveying
surface which can also be used
for heavy duty goods. Rollers
produced in New Generation
material provide reduced
operating noise levels.

882 TAB LBP Series are
available in three widths, the
wider widths having a slightly
different roller configuration.



Technical Diagram

Technical Diagram

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Technical Diagram/2



Flat Top Systems | Plastic Flat Top |  Side-Flexing: LBP 882 Low Back Pressure