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100 years of Flat Top!

Flat Top Chains |  100 years of Flat Top!

Biloxi Daily Herald

One of the earliest references to "Flat Top" is from the Biloxi Daily Herald dated Wednesday 31st July 1907, which would make the term now 100 years old!

The Flat Top Honky Tonk

The Flat Top Honky Tonk

The Flat Top Honky Tonk was owned by Arthur Glover and relied on the trade of local turpentine distillery workers who frequented the place for gambling, which included the card game Georgia Skin and also for the services of some premiscuous women such as Kid Lu, Katie Powell and Hattie Hearst.

The Story Of 'I'm Alabama Bound' by Jelly Roll Morton (MP3)



Flattop = a large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for take offs and landing
1950's Flattop

1950's Flattop

1950's Flattop - a closely cropped haircut: usually for men
Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy

Flattop Jones is a fictional character created by Chester Gould for the Dick Tracy comic strip and is the most popular one in the strips history. His nickname comes from his large head which is perfectly flat on the top like an aircraft carriers flight deck. There is no evidence that he ever became a chain salesman.
Rexnord Corp

Rexnord Corp

In the 1950's Rexnord Corp invented and developed Table Top chains - a chain system which was flat on the top transporting profile. Table Top was strictly registered as a trade mark and globally controlled for many decades. When Flexon started out manufacturing these chains in the mid 1980's we were threatened with law suits in Europe, America and Asia if ever we used the name of "Table top". I spent years re-educating my customers that they couldn't say "Table Top". So we called it "Flat Top", and that is what had to be written in all their commercial transactions - or we were all liable to law suits from the big guys in Milwaukee!

Today in 2007 the Rexnord Corporation have re-branded their product line in Europe to read "Flat Top" and have dropped the reference to Table Top. It's a funny old world but after 20 years of marketing the Flexon brand against Rex it seems we won the battle!

100 years of Flat Top History from Tpi in a nutshell.

Flat Top Chains |  100 years of Flat Top!