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Plastic Flat Top

Flat Top Chains |  Plastic Flat Top

Material Used for Plastic Chain Production

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Plastic Conveyor Chains

CC 600/1400 Conveyor Chains
Available Materials:
• White Delrin Acetal
• New Generation
• Stainless Steel Pins

Vacuum Hole Chains

820/831- 879/880 Vacuum Chains
Available Materials:

• Low Friction Acetal
• Stainless Steel Pins

Straight Running

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Side-Flexing: Two-Piece

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Plastic Multiple


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lexon System Plast has created the best of stainless steel slat band chains. Extend the life of your stainless steel slat band chain with the proven Hardened Pins from Flexon System Plast.

Flat Top Chains |  Plastic Flat Top