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Vacuum Hole Chains

Flat Top Chains | Plastic Flat Top |  Vacuum Hole Chains

820/831 VacuumSeries

820/831 VacuumSeries

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820/831 Vacuum
Available Materials:
• Low Friction Acetal
• Stainless Steel Pins

Due to the holes this chain is able to transport the products with the help of vacuum. Different hole patterns for various size of container. (Other hole patterns available upon request).
This chains is perfect for Canning Industries.



Technical Diagram

Technical Diagram

879/880 Vacuum Series

879/880 Vacuum Series

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879/880 Vacuum
Available Materials:
• Low Friction Acetal
• Stainless Steel Pins

Due to the holes this chain is able to transport the products with the help of vacuum. Different hole patterns for various size of container. (Other hole patterns available upon request).
This chains is perfect for Canning Industries.



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Flat Top Chains | Plastic Flat Top |  Vacuum Hole Chains