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Dry Running

TPi was in many ways the pioneer of "dry running" flat top chains with the development of the NG range of chains from 1993 onwards. This development concept also created the idea of using "Kevlar" in chains, an ideal material already used in racing car monocoques and many industrial products for strength and durability. Today TPi can advise on the optimal plastic selection for your needs.

TPi war in vielerlei Hinsicht Vorreiter der "Trockenlauf" für "flat top" Scharnierbandketten, mit der Entwicklung der NG-Reihe von 1993 an. Dieses Entwicklungskonzept hat auch zu der Idee geführt, "Kevlar" in Scharnierbandketten zu verwenden. Kevlar ist ein optimaler Kunststoff, der bei Monocoque Rennautos und vielen anderen Industrieprodukten aufgrund seiner Stärke und Haltbarkeit angewendet wird. Heute kann TPi über die optimale Plastik-Auswahl für Ihren Bedarf richtig beraten.

New Generation

New Generation.

•Very long wear life
•Super high speed
•Very low noise
•Very low friction

This material offer the possibility for dry running without lubrification.
Dry run was not only chisen to save cost. In many cases, the application itself required dry solution. NG made it possible.

NG has also proven to give a much longer wear life in comparison with acetal materials and to reduce noise levels in dry applications, currently a top priority.

NOLU Wear Strip Material

NOLU-S Wear Strip Material

•Makes high speed possible even when running dry
•Extremly low coefficent of friction
•Noise and squeacking reduced
•Energy consumption reduced
•Longer life of the chain
•Chainpull reduced
•No damage or scratch to the surface of PET

Nolu-s material is a unique compund of UHMW and a solid lubrificant.
It reduces drastically the coefficent of friction, whilst maintaining the characteristic of UHMW.
Nolus-S has a better thermal conductivity compared with UHMW.

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